Saturday, August 13, 2016

The WOMAN’S GUIDE to INTERNET DATING (Why Some Women Cannot Find Good Men on Dating Sites!)

(Why Some Women Cannot Find Good Men on Dating Sites!)

Internet Dating is a multi-billion dollar a year industry. People of all colors, nationalities, religions, genders and creeds all are hoping and longing to find their true love.
However, for many women, they are discouraged with internet dating because they just cannot seem to find their legendary Prince Charming, or their religious equivalent of Ruth’s good man by the name of Boaz, the Christian’s Prince Charming.

Now, is there something many of these women are doing wrong? I have to say a resounding YES THERE IS!
Now Here is finally a GUIDE for women to use to understand the mindset of men. Now this is not a 100% foolproof answer because we all are different. But for any woman looking to find a good man either on the internet,  These are the steps women must change in themselves in order to find the man of their dreams. 

Now ladies, you have to be able to accept CONSTRUCTIVE criticism! If you can’t, then you will continue to do the same things over and over expecting a different result that will NEVER COME…. 

That is the definition of relationship “insanity!”  

So you want to know the truth ladies? Read the steps below! I hope it enlightens you to how REAL men and PLAYERS think! Enjoy!

1. PHOTOS (a.):

 Ladies, if you have 20 photos of you from the NECK up but not one photo of your body? 

Ladies that is a “RED-FLAG” to most men! For that doesn’t say you are a virtuous woman, oh no! It says you are not happy with your physique and you are hoping that some man will look at your pretty face and therefore contact you. 
You Heavier women know what I'm talking about. After trying to trick a man by this deception, how many men on the date says to you:

"Wow, you have such a beautiful face?"

You became so angry because you knew exactly what this meant!

It meant, he thought your face only was desirable but the rest of you was unappealing to him. Ladies this deceptive tactic makes most men very angry because men do not like surprises and we don't like drama and will never just openly tell you that you are full of crap for making us waste our darn time with you.

So now you know how good men think so stop it! Ladies your ad will usually be overlooked by Good men.

2. PHOTOS (b.) An Ad but no Photo???—

Ladies, come-on, just like in the example above men do not like surprises! Women have to understand that “MEN” are “VISUAL!” Did you get that ladies? Men look at what they “SEE” first before they read your profiles or want to find out your mindset. So that lame ass excuse that most women give us, that they don’t like to put their photos out in public is a bunch of BULL! 

Tell me something, the man that you responded too, you saw his photo right before you sent a wink or a note right? So how many NON-PHOTO men did you also answer? Probably NONE!

So why in the heck do you think we want to play Relationship roulette hoping you are our Princess Charming undercover. Hell no! We aren't doing it!

So if very few guys are answering you. You now know why! Think about it, AGAIN, how many profiles did you ladies actually answered without a photo? Hmmm? Don’t be hypocrites LADIES, DANG!

3. PHOTOS (c.) Posting photos with other people. 

Now ladies, if you were looking and your best friend were both looking for employment,

would you take her to apply for the one job opening with you?

Of course not! So why on earth would you post photos with you with other people? Again, MEN ARE VISUAL! DUH!   

Men will naturally go for the PRETTIEST or the YOUNGEST, or the woman with the best features in the photo. 
So stop taking pictures with your girlfriends and co-workers or else, you may get an insensitive guy asking you if they can have your girlfriend’s number or email! Yikes!

 4. PHOTOS (c.) 

Taking a Photo with your Attractive Younger and sexy Daughters! No! No! No!

The most ASININE thing a woman can do is be OLDER and post a photo with your attractive 20-ish sexy daughter standing next to you? Are you serious? 

Ladies, I’m just keeping it real with you! That’s like a “BEFORE & AFTER” picture in the minds of men. 

 Ladies, we are not talking about underage children, that's just creepy and sick! We are talking about your super pretty and sexy LEGAL DAUGHTERS!


Real men do not want the pressure of getting involved with you and in the back of their minds they really are wishing they met the 20-ish daughter instead!!!

ESPECIALLY if she still lives at home with you damn!!! Now jerks will go for this just hoping for a porno fantasy to happen with your daughters. 

Beware of these type of men and most of all raise your daughters correctly to be respectable ladies not to walk around any man in their panties or else you may come home and see the Playa's club scene where Diamond finds her man in bed with her cousin! yikes!


I can’t tell you how many ladies have sent me booty shot photos and actually think that a REAL MAN would take them seriously. Now ladies, every man likes a fine butt and yes we would like to see the definition of your butt. But at least show us on the sly. LOL! 

If most of your pictures are CLUB or booty shots then that tells REAL MEN, that you are not WIFE material, To a man ladies, you are


However, depending on how nice your BOOTY is, we may take you up on the sex because, come on? That is what you PRESENTED us with.

Not that you had a P.H.D. or a BEAUTIFUL MIND or even tried to show us you cared about what we are looking for. Nope you only care about your own selfish needs...

Nope, your pictures said, LOOK AT ‘DIS BOO-TAAAY and come ‘GET IT!” And we might call to cash in that invitation.

So don’t get mad or call any man a “DOG” when we try to pressure you into sex. That is what you advertised! Deal with it or CHANGE your THOUGHTS process ladies!

5. PHOTOS: (e.) Ladies, I beg you! Stop taking photos of your pets, places you have visited and your darn feet or shoes! We want to see YOU and nothing else but FULL BODY SHOTS of you! 

All that other crap we will see if we connect! and MOST IMPORTANTLY stop taking photos when you were in HIGH SCHOOL or when you were SKINNY or SKINNIER as if you are ever going to get back down to that size again! 

Men don't want to see what you USED to look like in your GLORY DAYS! WHEN you were the HOT GIRL back in the DAY! NO! 

Stop living in the past! 

RECENT Photos and stop taking photos with bright FLASHES making yourself look like you are LIGHT-SKINNED when you know you are NOT! 

Like I said STARTING off with deception it PROVES you are A LIAR and not trustworthy. 

Did you get that my so-called STRONG BLACK QUEENS? if you are dark-SKINNED THERE are PLENTY OF men that will accept you for who you are not who you PRETEND to be! Sheesh!


This should be self-explanatory but for some reason women cannot get it. Why in the HELL would any man want to contact a FROWNING or SCOWLING woman? 

What sense does that make? If you cannot even straighten your face to smile and be “inviting” why would any reasonably intelligent man want to deal with your attitude problem. 

That alone says you are NUTZ! And not worth the drama and that you are SINGLE for a REASON! Then if a man is foolish enough to try, she will get an attitude because you ask her why she is frowning? Wow??


Ladies, especially my Nubian wonderful sisters! Too much makeup is a sign to a man that you need

too much darn attention!!!!

Which is clearly a side that you have LOW self esteem!
tells a man that you are trying to hide something!

If you are HIDING freckles, or moles, or discoloration blemishes under all of that makeup. Then you are purposely deceiving us hoping that your personality will win us over instead. That NEVER WORKS LADIES!

If you start a relationship OFF with a LIE, then you are not trustworthy!

Here is something you may not know ladies, Too much clown makeup especially shaving your darn eyebrows off and DRAWING those weird lines on your face makes a few of you look like Transvestites! 

Now this is not to insult you. It’s just that in this day, you have to be careful because Transvestites are liars too and may not tell you that they are a Tranny. 


LADIES, the biggest pet peeve to men is YOU LIARS who will not tell the truth about your weight! SLIM, ATHLETIC, or about average is what most men are looking for. Not to say that men do not like THINK or big and beautiful women. 

HOWEVER, let’s keep it real most women look at the SIX PACK having man over the chubby guy first. So why do you do this but are hypocrites? 

Ladies the more WEIGHT YOU HAVE the LESS CHANCES of finding a man. For again WE are visual. 

HOW MANY fat women lie in their profiles claiming they are either ABOUT AVERAGE or THICK? Answer: Most!

These are usually the ones who only take NECK SHOTS and up photos. Then when we meet you, it’s a whole other story! 

MOST WOMEN do not look like their photos that is why we require SO MANY PICTURES.

No, it’s not that we are dogs, we just know that many women will find their most appealing photo-shopped or edited picture to post. Which is not who you are on a daily basis. This makes you a LIAR to a man. Ladies so stop lying thinking that your pretty face or boobs hanging out will be enough. 

NO, it’s unfair to TRICK us into getting to know your mind first then hoping that what we have in a mental connection will overcome what you look like physically. You start off a relationship with a lie, then you are a liar! Plain and simple!

             ( I'm half white? LIAR!!) 

               ( "OH, I'm half Cherokee?) LIAR!

                            YOU ARE BLACK! DEAL WITH IT!  

Ladies, REAL men really hate it when they see WOMEN lying about their ethnicity. Especially BLACK WOMEN! For everyone has a preference and there is nothing we hate more that when we click on the OTHER ethnicity category then we see this old blue black African American women in this category. Arrrgh!

For this shows your SELF-HATRED of yourself. Black women love to claim they have INDIAN or Caucasian in them. Why? Because for some reason they think men will think this makes them better. HELL NO! 

f you LOOK (CHOCOLATE BLACK) then that's what you are! There are plenty of men who will like you! We hate LIARS and deceivers Ladies, it's not your color, it's YOUR ATTITUDE and UNCOOPERATIVE NATURE that makes us usually not choose you. NOT YOUR COLOR!!!! So stop using Becky with the Good hair as your excuse for not having a man. She is just going the extra mile that you refuse to do to get her black knight. Learn from your mistakes dang...

Facts are, If we are looking for Becky with the good hair or a Latina or even a light-skinned red-bone multi-racial girl.

We are not just going to choose you just because you place yourself in the "other" ethnicity category!

Face it you are BLACK if you can't deal with it, why do you think we want to deal with you?

9. TATTOOS: Ladies, yes there are some sexy tattoos.  

Most are NOT!!!

"WOULD THE WORLD have taken Michelle Obama seriously if she had a TATTOO on her BREASTS, or a LARGE LEG TATTOO of a ROSE or what about a ARM OR NECK tattoo with the names of their two children, Malia and Sasha on it?" Heck no!
STOP the MADNESS ladies please!!

If you are looking for a fortune 500 business man type. 

Your tattoos are a turn-off! Why? 

Because most tattoos look “GHETTO” and if you are a black or Hispanic lady it diminishes your chances of finding that 6 figure Black or Hispanic man greatly. 

Think about it, most black men have to work TWICE as hard to prove that they didn’t get the job because of “AFFIRMATIVE ACTION”. 

So if he has a job function which requires you to wear say a strapless evening gown etc. In a black man’s mind, there is nothing that makes him lose credibility more in the eyes of their Caucasian counterparts as having a woman with tattoos on her BREAST, NECK, EAR or LEG. & the TRAMP STAMP tattoo? 

Ladies, isn’t the NAME Tramp, for this type of tattoo self-explanatory? 

Sorry ladies, you may think this is petty but you did ask for the truth right?  POOKIE and RAY-RAY will still call you though. ARRRGH!

10.     PROFILE: (a.) profile names: 

Ladies, if there is some inventive name such as: PRETTY GIRL 101 or, SEXY lady4u or anything where it’s all about your self-promotion. This says to real men, that she needs “VALIDATION” A real lady doesn’t have to tell us she is pretty, or sexy or a queen etc. That is our job to tell you not for you to convince us.

11.     PROFILE ( b.)  

Ladies, actually say something in your profiles. 

There is nothing worse than a lady TOO LAZY to post her thoughts in a profile but will put: ASK ME and I will tell you later?” HELL NO! That means I have to waste time contacting you and waiting for a response. When outside of your physical beauty, we may be on opposite sides of desires. 


How many times have we read profiles where women show how much “ATTITUDE” they have in their profiles. Ladies, if you start your profile off with words such as: 

I’m very “OPINIONATED”  

or any such ridiculous statements. There is not one REASONABLY INTELLIGENT man on earth that is going to deal with you. 

 Honest to a fault means you have a big ass mouth and will never be a candidate for a SUBMISSIVE wife. 

Nope this tells men that if you don’t agree, you will argue fuss and fight to the bitter end. 

There is a phrase ladies must learn from their grandmothers and that is: 

“You can be 100% right and still be wrong!” 

Many women will never get this point. For they will say: 

"I’M SORRY this is WHO I AM! Deal with it or move on!" 

To this I will say. “C’YA! And you will still be alone wondering why your girlfriend has a man on Valentine’s Day while your dumb behind is eating Chunky Monkey Ice cream looking at the lifetime channel all by your lonesome! 

Common sense isn’t that common huh? Smh!


Other than a woman lying about her weight, This is one of the biggest problems men face. Women, please stop the lies about your age. 

YES! You do look your age! 

Stop believing the games men say to get in your darn drawers! Time and time again I’ve heard horror stories from men who have said, a woman said she was 31 but looked every bit of 61!!!! YIKES!!! 

When confronted with this blatant lie, women love to claim that they could not find any men their own age. Now if you want a younger man, then just say so! 

Stop lying and then expecting us to take you seriously!

14.     Un-Reasonable Expectations: 

Now this is the most important for you ladies! I’ve had women say, they are looking for a man that, 

makes 6 figures, is TALL, DARK & HANDSOME, has to be “slim” with a SIX PACK, cannot be under 5’6 all because she likes to wear 5 inch hills? 

He has to have his OWN CAR, his OWN house, NO KIDS, a 401-k plan, loves God, loves his mama, cannot be a mama’s boy, must treat you like a Queen, must be a RUFF NECK, but a GENTLEMAN at the same time? Huh? 

He must not smoke or drink can’t have any female friends, must want to spend all his time with her, but must not be “CHEAP” because she likes the finer things in life, and if I ask him to pay a bill I he should

                                   WANT TO DO IT??? 

just because I’m his woman. Huh?  

Now ladies there is SOOOOO much wrong with this type of mindset but let’s say you find this imaginary man. What then? 

Ladies, if a man has even half of these qualities. Then that makes him a ‘M.V.P. candidate and he knows his value. 

So here is the question to you. 


No, think about that question. 

Out of the thousands of single women out there, 

WHY YOU over them? 

I mean, what do you have to OFFER this brother that makes you a M.V.P woman.
Sad to say, most women who have this delusional mindset. Do not bring anything to the table. If he makes 6 figures, then shouldn’t you too? 

If he has a six pack abs, shouldn’t you be SLIM & TRIM too? And how in the hell a woman can think a THUG can be a husband and gentlemen is as ridiculous as a man thinking a WHORE can be a HOUSEWIFE? 

So ladies don’t ask for DOM PERIGNON from a man when you are bringing cheap beer to the table. 

We can COOK, CLEAN etc for ourselves before you. WHY would we invest our energies and money into someone that is not an M.V.P. candidate? 

Have you single women noticed how happy that pretty woman is with that SHORT or heavyset OR Joe the Plumber while you are still single waiting on your IMAGINARY man? 

As you get older your choices diminish. All because you were too silly to accept that brother with a decent job, who actually likes you for who you are, and will share what little he has with you. 

Oh but that  GOOD guy you don’t like. SMH!

So if that’s the case. I wish you well as your BREAST begin to sag, the wrinkles come and the bitterness grows as you either switch sides to LESBIANISM or just go back to your horrible ex boyfriends who will keep doing you badly all because YOU are the problem. 

I hope this helps you ladies understand the mentality of men.. And good luck on your search. 
The “Patrick-Perspective!”  

Come and Join our group on facebook at: CHRISTIANS WHO ARE FINALLY AWAKE AND KNOW THE TRUTH ABOUT THE DECEPTION... Take care...


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